Over the last few months I have been trying to find my place. Asking myself questions of ,"Where do I start? Who will listen? Who really cares?" I am learning that more people do care, but there is so much going on who has time to do much about another person's problems. My steps have been small, but as I look back on two years of shouting to the sky, I feel like I have been heard. I am so excited to announce that the group www.GlobalGenes.org has published my son's story. I have been a volunteer advocate leader for them and trying to help raise awareness of rare diseases and rare genetic conditions. This to help inform the public to to pass legislation that will benefit the Rare Disease community and encourage them to contact our United States Congress. If you would like to read the published story about my son, please follow the link.
Please contact your US Representatives and ask that the pass the following legislation.
If you would like more information on the pieces of legislation being discussed please follow the links below:
House Bill 460: http://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/460/
House Bill 1591: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbeta.congress.gov%2Fbill%2F113th-congress%2Fhouse-bill%2F1591%3Fq%3D%257B%2522search%2522%253A%255B%2522H.R.%2B1591%2B%2522%255D%257D&h=dAQEaOjeQ
In the meantime, Beckett has finished his Kindergarten year and is looking forward to a relaxing summer. We are hoping that he begins his ABA school in July and looking forward to seeing his progress. Since last summer we have seen vast improvements in his verbal communication and his cognitive level has improved. He is saying his siblings names so that you can understand them and is having a better time expressing his needs verbally. He can following two word commands and understanding directions more so than he ever has. We believe that since Beckett's seizures have been controlled his learning has increased at a more rapid rate. I am super excited to see him grow and develop when he begins Spectrum of Hope.
Please contact your US Representatives and ask that the pass the following legislation.
If you would like more information on the pieces of legislation being discussed please follow the links below:
House Bill 460: http://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/460/
House Bill 1591: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbeta.congress.gov%2Fbill%2F113th-congress%2Fhouse-bill%2F1591%3Fq%3D%257B%2522search%2522%253A%255B%2522H.R.%2B1591%2B%2522%255D%257D&h=dAQEaOjeQ
In the meantime, Beckett has finished his Kindergarten year and is looking forward to a relaxing summer. We are hoping that he begins his ABA school in July and looking forward to seeing his progress. Since last summer we have seen vast improvements in his verbal communication and his cognitive level has improved. He is saying his siblings names so that you can understand them and is having a better time expressing his needs verbally. He can following two word commands and understanding directions more so than he ever has. We believe that since Beckett's seizures have been controlled his learning has increased at a more rapid rate. I am super excited to see him grow and develop when he begins Spectrum of Hope.
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