Well, I know it has been a while since I have had a chance to update my blog. A lot has been happening in my personal life that has interfered with our normal routine. I am now in a custody dispute with my ex husband over my 2 teenage boys. It has been a challenge to try and keep on track with Beckett and deal with unplanned events that are happening around us. Never the less, I must press on and give God the fight over to Him. I have learned through the last couple of months to truly know what it means to be thankful in my circumstances. I am allowed to have justified anger, but to know that God will see me through this and that He has a plan, which I learned AGAIN, that it is not always my plans he has for me. ;) Keeping a smile on my face has been hard, but for the most part I am at peace and I know the truth will be shown for those involved.
Over the past couple of months Beckett has started school again and is now adjusting to a new routine. He doesn't get a nap this year in the afternoon. We are feeling the effects of this every evening when we get him home. He tends to scream and kick until I can get him fed dinner. We have been giving him a bath right after he eats. He has been going to bed around 7 every night and sleeps until 6 in the morning. I am hoping that he adjusts to his new routine soon.
Besides the new routine adjustment, we have just gotten his new device called the Dynovox Mystro. This full operational computer is going to be his link to communicating with the world. I was so happy when we found out that our insurance company paid the full $9,000 for it. This was an answered prayer that God could only do!! I am blown away by all the things that he can do with it. Beckett is catching on slowly, but I am sure that over time he will be able to communicate is basic needs in a few months. He carries it with him everywhere. It even has his favorite restaurants programed in it with his favorite foods. His frustration level will be incredibly lowered using this to tell people his needs.
Beckett telling me he has a "Book"