Monday, February 20, 2012

Slow Moving Stream

We noticed that when Beckett would begin to make gains and advance a little, other characteristics would pop out in his personality. His tantrums became unbearable at times. Every time the front door opened and the chime went off, he raced to the door as fast as he could to go out. When he was about 30 months, we noticed that he became fascinated with water. This was a soothing activity for him.  His focus was scattered and when we could get his attention, it was only about 2 -3 minutes at a time.  I knew this was going to interfere with his learning. 

Our Little Water Boy
We were about 6 months away from enrolling him in our PPCD (Preschool Programs for Children with Disablilities) program at our local elementary school.  I was anxious to get him in so that he could have more regular and consistant intervention.  It was also feeling relief because the PPCD teacher was the wife of a coach my husband worked with.  But not only that, I had gotten feedback from other parents and employees that knew her and they said she was one of the best teachers in that position.  I knew she was going to take care of our boy.  In the meantime, we were waiting and preparing for his transition and were getting a better idea of how his progress should be moving. 

His therapist from ECI would tell us that development came in a particular order.  He would have to master his motor skills, both gross and fine before spoken language could be mastered.  He had a long way to go.  We were still trying to get him to eat with a utensil, hold an open cup to drink from and suck threw a straw.  He was able to walk upstairs, but not down yet and unable to jump.  It was heart breaking to watch him trying to jump. We knew he wanted to and just couldn't get his feet of the ground.  It was going to be a slow road a go. 

The funny thing is about his personality was all said in his name.  I had a hard time trying to find out what his name actually meant when he was a baby.  I ordered a Birthday Keepsake that had the information about his birthday day and it included the meaning of his name.  My husband and I weren't suprized to read that his first name means "Slow Moving Stream".  He was definaltly like a slow moving stream.  The one thing I think about a slow moving stream is that they start out slow  and as they move along their path then the end becomes a roaring wide river.  I know that Beckett will one day overcome his obsticles and become a strong determined individual that has many gifts to offer this world.  That is my prayer for him and I know that God will be faithful to answer it.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Family Impact

I guess no one ever really thinks that they will be blessed with a child with special needs. I do know that my son is a blessing to our family.  I feel like I am being refined for something, I just don't know for what yet.  I know that in time it will be unveiled and it will change my life for the better.  I do however, sometimes wonder why the "refining" has to be so hard. 

My family has had to learn and adapt to new routines and changing the way they do things for and around Beckett.  Him being a twin was hard because when we would do something for him, we also found ourselves doing the same for his twin, Pyper. I know she knows that he needs the extra help, but I still try an give her that little extra when I can. I feel guilty at times when I have to spend more one-on-one with Beckett and had to make Pyper wait.  Her need for attention is also very high. I guess every toddler craves every bit of attention from their parents.

Big Brother Sawyer Entertaining the Twins
We also ask a lot of our older children.  They help us out tremendously around the house. reality, they do sometimes have to be coerced to help.  On days we would come in from work we would have one of our teenage boys play with Pyper, while my husband or I would bring Beckett aside to work on sounds, making signs, or putting together puzzles.  At the same time, one of us would be cooking dinner for seven people. My other teenage boy would help me with chores and my oldest daughter helped when she could.  She was is at home going to college, working almost a full time job.  She would do house cleaning on days she was out of school or wasn't working early. 

Autopilot is common place in my life.  My five children keep me very busy. Four are usually in extracurricular activities. They have me running around to football games, practice, and therapy. It is all exhausting, but rewarding to see their successes.  I know that God has given me the strength to endure. Without my wonderful family I don't know how I would do it.  A friend of mine told me once that, "Children pick their mommies".. I know and believe that is to be true.  It sometimes is still day by day, but I know that there are going to be many blessings later and my hope still never fades for my special boy.